When you are a landlord, you should remember that people actually live in your property! It is more than just bricks and mortar and an investment. It is ultimately someone’s home.
There lies within property ownership a responsibility to tenants to make sure that they are safe. Indeed, it is an obligation, and it is a legal responsibility too.
For many years, landlords had to carry out regular gas safety checks, but updated rules mean that landlords must carry out electrical safety checks too.
Here, we set out what they are all about.
The Government, which says it acknowledges many landlords are responsible owners, said it wants to make sure people are safe when they live in rented accommodation.
So, new guidelines were drafted, and those new rules came into force in June 2020 as the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.
At the time, the Government said: “This is a major step towards levelling up the private rented sector, making sure it will offer high-quality, safe and secure housing.”
This is good thinking, and a welcome move, particularly when you consider that gas safety checks have been carried out for years now.
Landlords must comply with the updated regulations. They must have “the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a person who is qualified and competent, at least every five years”.
A copy of the electrical installation condition report or EICR, must be provided to tenants, and also to a local authority (like the council) if requested.
Basically, electrical testing has got to be done by professionals with the correct knowledge and skill and these new regulations must be adhered to.
No. As the guidelines say, the inspection must be carried out by a competent person who is registered to do so. You can find a list of professionals here www.electricalcompetentperson.co.uk
Inspections are not about fridges of kettles or other small appliances or white goods, this would be covered by PAT testing (portable appliance testing) and currently there is no legal requirement. What they are about is the fixed electrical things like plug sockets and lights, and also showers if they are electric and permanently fixed, electric hobs and ovens, etc.
Tests will see if everything is safe or if there is a risk of fire or an electric shock. It is pretty easy to see why an inspection needs to be done – and that is to protect life and property. Depending on what an inspection finds, action may or may not be required. Landlords must then carry out the work within a specified time (depending on the severity), and there must be written evidence of this.
Responsible landlords will want to get any electrical issues fixed and will take action to make good anything highlighted in the inspection report immediately. In the guidelines, if work is not carried out, local councils have the authority to serve a remedial notice on a landlord who must then get the job done. If they do not, and the council is confident that landlord duties have been breached, it can inform the landlord that it intends to impose a fixed penalty – and this could be up to £30,000.
It makes good business sense to ensure properties are inspected, and it is a legal duty now too, so we recommend that landlords get started and make sure their properties have been inspected.
Chances are, you will have been working with people you trust, but you must ensure they are competent. If you are unsure, use the website www.electricalcompetentperson.co.uk to check if a tradesperson you know is registered.
If you are a landlord in West Sussex, Surrey or Kent and have any queries at all, it is better to be safe than sorry. Get in touch with us here at Greenaway Residential Estate Agents & Letting Agents, we are highly experienced in rental properties and property management
Greenaway Residential Letting Agents Crawley 01293 561188
Greenaway Residential Letting Agents East Grinstead 01342 777977
Property Management 01293 561789
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